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Inspires others with good deeds.


A place where good deeds never end

#MacPawCares is our way of giving back to the community. This is the embodiment of our corporate values, which develop social responsibility and inspire others to create new public initiatives.

Since its launch in 2018, we have helped to shape a better world in many ways: from boosting Ukraine’s sustainability effort, helping people in need, and saving animals to fostering local tech talent, promoting diversity.

8 areas. Dozens of projects for each one. Everyone at MacPaw can start an original initiative or propose a project in the area of their choice.
Two gentlemen seated on chairs, sipping coffee while a penguin companion lounges between them.

Social Impact Review

Explore MacPaw's commitment to a sustainable future with our CSR efforts detailed in our Social Impact Review

Explore the Report
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Latest Cares News

Supporting Ukrainian polar expeditions
One of the most unique and certainly the most remote MacPawCares initiative is supporting the Vernadsky Research Base, Ukrainian Antarctic station.
Uklon Inclusive Car
Taxi for everyone
In April 2023, one of Ukraine’s taxi services introduced a new option – accessible taxis for wheelchair users. We are happy to have supported the launch of this project by sponsoring the purchase of two specialized cars.
People in Need
Helping the elderly
Elderly people have lived full and exciting lives and have a lot of wisdom and experience to share. It is truly wonderful when they keep in close contact with their children and grandchildren.
Hello Code
Education opens us to a whole new world of possibilities. It is never too late to learn, but starting early might give you advantages.
Lighting up the city
Empire State Building, Edinburgh Castle, the London Eye, and now St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church in Kyiv. What do these architectural landmarks have in common? They all have illumination designed by the same company, Philips Color Kinetics.
Promprylad.Renovation: a new life for an old plant
Ukraine is gradually getting rid of the heritage left behind by the Soviet Union. It is exciting to see people rethinking its grim legacy and turning it into something innovative and inspiring! The Promprylad.Renovation project in Ivano-Frankivsk is a great example of that.
Donors Among Us
MacPaw is a company that promotes social responsibility and implements many charitable projects. None of this would be possible without a team that shares our values. We are proud of our colleagues who support our initiatives and are always ready to lend a helping hand.
Sirius Animal Shelter
Responsible pet owners always weigh the pros and cons before deciding to get another animal. The right approach here is to make sure that you’ll be able to provide all the necessary care. And what about responsible animal shelters?

MacPawCares in Facts and Figures

Truth be told, no website section can contain all the warmth that #MacPawCares brought to life. Luckily, we have some facts and figures to give you an idea of what we’ve done so far.


Trees Planted around Kyiv

1,500 kg

of animal food bought to feed sheltered furry friends


social initiatives implemented



Launched a corporate charitable foundation

MacPaw Foundation helps us do charity more effectively

Developed a recycling app

Sort is a mobile app that helps with day-to-day recycling
A woman diligently tending to blooming flowers with a watering can

We reached Antarctica

Well, sort of. We provided Ukraine’s Antarctic Vernadsky Research Base with crucial tech for their scientific work.

New here?
You’re in for a story.



Things were moving wild and fast in our first years. But we kept doing all sorts of stuff to give back to the community: from supporting education programs to donating to animal shelters.
CleanMyCityGreen Project


To mark MacPaw’s 10th anniversary, we decided to find 
a home for all our good deeds and social projects. That’s how #MacPawCares were born. 
The initiatives were created 
to address some of the most pressing issues in MacPaw’s home country, Ukraine, including recycling, cleaning up cities, educating youth, taking care 
of animals and so much more.


Because of the team's enthusiasm for tackling social issues, the company decided 
to expand #MacPawCares into 
a full-fledged initiative to help the community, city, country 
and the environment. Since then, #MacPawCares has successfully implemented over 30 projects.
Donor DayDonor Day


Besides our #MacPawCares initiatives, corporate volunteering at MacPaw transformed into regular activities. For instance, we organize Donor Day at the office twice a year. Macpawians can donate their blood and save someone's life. Also, the Christmas Elves initiative became a beloved tradition. Every year we grant more than 200 kids their holiday wishes.
Vernadskyy Station CrewVernadskyy Polar Station


In 2021, #MacPawCares initiatives reached…Antarctica! We supported the Ukrainian Vernadsky Research Base and donated a satellite antenna for improving their internet connection. It took us 
a year to deliver the antenna 
to the station, but the result 
paid off.
MacPaw FoundationMacPaw Foundation


Since the full-scale russian invasion onset on February 24, 2022, MacPaw CSR programs have shifted their focus. Our corporate charitable fund MacPaw Foundation went public and we began to provide non-lethal assistance for those who protect us. We were extremely touched when our customers supported our foundation with their donations. 


MacPaw Foundation continues to support Ukraine. Furthermore, we resumed our #MacPawCares activities with 
a focus on inclusivity and educational projects
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Stand up for Ukraine

In 2016, MacPaw established a charity arm — MacPaw Foundation. Over the next few years, it will launch and support the company's social projects.

On February 24, 2022, russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Since then, the enemy has been shelling and bombing our cities with missiles, killing civilians every single day. We have shifted our focus since then to help protect our homeland and save the people of Ukraine from an illegal war of extermination.
Since then MacPaw Foundation shifted focus onto:
  • Providing our defenders of Ukraine with non-lethal help: technical equipment, protective gear, tactical medicine
  • Supporting our mobilized employees and their families
  • Donating to Ukrainian volunteers saving people’s lives
Visit MacPaw Foundation Site
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Our social responsibility projects turn our values into real-life impact. We’ve done it all! We launched a recycling app, helped folks and our furry friends in need, fostered local tech talent. The list goes on, and so does our work.

Always giving back,

never indifferent


Innovation in Isolation: The Story of Ukrainian IT from 1940s to Present.

Read the book to discover what impact the Ukrainian school of cybernetics had on the vibrant modern IT industry of Ukraine and the world.

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