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Supporting Ukrainian
polar expeditions

Vernadsky Research Base

One of the most unique and certainly the most remote MacPawCares initiative is supporting the Vernadsky Research Base, Ukrainian Antarctic station. We are glad to be able to aid Ukrainian scientists, make their work more efficient, and their stay at the other end of the world more comfortable.
Our company has been providing the Vernadsky Research Base with the necessities since 2019. We purchased rugged laptops suitable for extreme weather conditions, computer parts, and research equipment. And a nice coffee machine, which they did not have before. If that is not a vital item
to have at the workplace during those long polar nights, then we don’t know what is!
As a thank you, the researchers raised the MacPaw flag near the station 
on May 22, 2019.

Vernadskyy Polar Station

Better internet
for the best scientists

Another important project was improving the internet connection at the station. We just could not accept the fact that, while the whole world was enjoying the benefits of facetiming and instant messaging, the Vernadsky Research Base team had to make do with just sending emails. So we decided to donate a new 2.4 meter General Dynamics satellite antenna for the Wi-Fi network.

The journey of this piece of equipment is worthy of a story of its own. From braving the elements and Covid restrictions to wading through the US government limitations on the export of military-relevant items – it took the antenna about a year to arrive at the destination and start working. But the result was amazing, as it made the internet connection at the station eight times faster than before! A year later, we also purchased a radiator for the antenna. It is already at the station, and the installation is in progress.
Improving the internet connection helped bring the Vernadsky Research Base team closer to their loved ones on the mainland. And also to us as well as all the other fans of their work, since it allowed them to hold video conferences. On May 28, 2021, MacPaw Space hosted an event featuring Yurii Otruba, head of the 25th Ukrainian Antarctic expedition, Olena Marushevska, its PR manager, and Yevhen Dykii, Director of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. During the event, the Vernadsky team joined us online to share information about their life at the station, answered questions, and even took us on a little tour.
Vernadsky Polar StationVernadsky Polar StationVernadsky Polar Station
Vernadsky Polar Station

The Noosphere icebreaker

In 2021, an opportunity presented itself for the MacPaw team to have another exciting tour, And this time, not just through the computer screen. No, it was not a tour of the station itself, although we would have loved that! It was a tour of the new supply and research ship for the Vernadsky Research Base, the former flagship of the British Royal Scientific Navy by the name RRS James Clark Ross. Ukraine acquired the ship on the eve of the 30th Independence anniversary. It received the new name, Noosphere, after the works of Volodymyr Vernadsky, after whom the Antarctic station was named.

As the ship was stationed in Odesa before setting off to Antarctica, 80 macpawians and their family members had a chance to visit it on a guided tour.

Vernadsky Polar Station
Vernadsky Polar StationVernadsky Polar Station

Drones for Ukraine’s defenders

Vernadsky Polar Station

In these difficult times, we admire the Ukrainian researchers who find it in them to part with their families and go on an expedition to advance world science. And we certainly admire those of them who chose to join the military and fight for Ukraine’s independence. MacPaw donated four drones to these brave warriors to help keep them safe and forewarned at the frontlines. And we hope that they will soon get the chance to return to their scientific endeavors.
As the ship was stationed in Odesa before setting off to Antarctica, 80 macpawians and their family members had a chance to visit it on a guided tour.

Our hearts lie with our scientists and we are ready to support them to the Moon and back. And while our company flag may not be on the Moon just yet, the penguins of the Antarctic surely recognize it by now. To us, that is a worthwhile achievement!
Vernadsky Polar StationVernadsky Polar Station

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