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Women in science:
stories worth telling

Women in Science

For the longest time, the world considered science the domain of men, giving women no access to education and practice. Thankfully, many women have proven this approach to be false and unproductive. And they deserve recognition and representation.

MacPaw has become a general partner of the Women in Science (ukr. Naukovytsi). It is a project by the Inscience NGO that promotes science to increase its value for society, business, and the state. It aims to tell the stories of modern-day women working in their respective scientific fields.

Women in Tech

Women in Science is a series of four documentaries about four female scientists:
a neuroscientist Vera Iefremova, who studies brain development disorders to help children with epilepsy;
Women in Tech
a mathematician Kateryna Terletska, who studies the internal waves of the ocean. She heads the section at the largest European geophysical conference in Vienna;
Women in Tech
a zoologist Maryna Skvyria, who studies large predators such as wolves and bears and co-funded the White Rock bear shelter;
Women in Tech
a marine biologist Oksana Savenko, a researcher at the National Antarctic Scientific Centre of Ukraine and the first woman in 20 years to go on 
a winter expedition to the Vernadsky Research Base in the Antarctic.
Women in Tech
And then there is Masha, a Ukrainian schoolgirl who acts as a guide and walks us through each story. Masha is 15 years old. She loves science and is in the process of choosing her future career. She talks to our heroines and asks them about their work and the challenges they had to overcome as women in science.

The documentaries are made in the form of interviews, and each question allows the viewers to look deeper into the exciting world of scientific research. And some of the scenes were even filmed in the MacPaw Space!

The documentaries are made in the form of interviews, and each question allows the viewers to look deeper into the exciting world of scientific research. And some of the scenes were even filmed in the MacPaw Space!
Women in Tech

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