The fall and winter of 2022-2023 were not easy on Ukrainians. Russian missiles routinely targeted Ukraine’s power system, so blackouts became a new reality for the whole country. The electricity suddenly became a luxury, and so did the simple pleasures like charging your cell phone and drinking a warm beverage.
The authorities and businesses started setting up so-called Points of Invincibility – hybrid public spaces that offered anyone a chance to warm up, charge gadgets and use the internet. We at MacPaw decided to join this effort and together with the Toronto-Kyiv Complex set up such a space for the Kyivans.
Together we equipped a 6.2 square-meter-large tent right outside our office. Everyone was welcome to come in, get some energy and Wi-Fi for the devices, and some hot tea for themselves. The location had a generator, UFO heaters, tables and chairs, and some coloring books and board games for the kids. The tent itself was manufactured in Kharkiv, a city only 30 km from the russian border. The location was popular with the locals, though we wished there was no need for places like this.
Ukrainians survived this winter, and blackouts are a thing of the past for now. So luckily, most of the Points of Invincibility are not needed at the moment. But the ability to unite in the face of trouble and support those who need it is still with us. And it will come in handy in the months and years to come.